Sometimes you just gotta accept that you can’t always be on the bed. Sometimes you gotta be on the floor. But sometimes, you’d actually WANT to be on the floor 😉 Staying in the bed that is the COMM Team has a lot of perks, but being a COMM Manager on the floor gives a lot of good stuff too!
The Harder, the Better
Some may have hesitations with the floor. Obviously, people could find it a lot less comfortable, but hey, some people like it hard. Don’t worry, we like it hard too 😉
We like a challenge! The floor provides a wholly different, Â perhaps HARDER experience than on the bed. It would help you better enhance the skills the department has for you. You’d be exposed to a lot more projects and work than the regular COMM Team member, but it would definitely be worth it!
More Mobile
There’s a lot more room to move around on the floor as compared to the limitations of the bed. You could move around the whole place! COMM Managers would have to handle quite a few projects all throughout the year, and would also have a talk with a lot of people from different departments!
Being on the floor gets you to connect with more friends… on the floor 😉
More Room for Creativity (or Thrill)
Because of the space (and well, the positions that that could imply), you could get a bit more creative with the positions. You’ll definitely enjoy yourself experimenting with different kinds of stuff 😉 The COMM Managers would get to keep on finding new ways to even better promote all the different projects in the organization.
See? Now the floor doesn’t look that bad, huh? We’ll be waiting for you right here  😉
From the Communication Department of ‘16-’17: Joal Rose Lin, Royce Chua, and Shannen Pua.
Written by Royce Chua.
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