Excited to be a manager of Ateneo Celadon but don’t know where to start? Here are the takes of the Celadon Executive Board to help you out!
Hey There Celadonean! A Message from the President
You might wonder why you should even invest in an organization such as Celadon. There is often this misconception that is prevalent in even our own members—that culture isn’t important or a priority at all. The belittling of this inherent part of society, culture, is embedded with the mentality that it doesn’t contribute to anything concrete. Its conceptuality, however, is a strength.
You Will Know It’s Worth It When
Signup after signup. Core after core. Event after event. How would you know if you’re already experienced enough to finally take on the next step in your Celadon journey—to become a Celadon Manager? After all those projects you’ve signed up for and events you attended, it just feels apt to give the next batch of Celadoneans the same opportunities and experiences you had, to be someone who can do just that—a Celadon leader.
COMM Part 2: What You Can Do on the Floor
Sometimes you just gotta accept that you can’t always be on the bed. Sometimes you gotta be on the floor. But sometimes, you’d actually WANT to be on the floor 😉 Staying in the bed that is the COMM Team has a lot of perks, but being a COMM Manager on the floor gives a lot of good stuff too!
The Making of a CORREL Manager
What we want to cultivate in our members is the understanding that while not everyone will react favorably to our proposals, there will definitely be some, given the right amount of time and persuasion, or simply due to their connection to Celadon, who will accept it. And the joy and satisfaction from this success will definitely make this endeavor worth it.
5 INSANE Things that You May Not Know About CUL
Ang pinaka-pinaghuhugutan talaga ng mga projects ay CULTURE! We make sure to keep projects relevant, at the same time rooted in cultural foundations. Ang CUL, may pinaghuhugutan!
All our projects involve looking into the essence of the events. For instance, Mid-Autumn Festival should have the essentials, mooncakes and dice games. However, it’s never enough that we stop there.

3 Stops in the DOCPUB Express
As DOCPUB managers, it’s a guarantee that when you end your journey with us, you’ll be better in your craft whether it is in writing and editing articles, taking pictures, designing and developing websites, organizing events and anything under the sun. But that doesn’t end there.
A Letter from the Future on the Fate of EXT Managers
If you are reading this now, that means this letter has successfully reached the past. Time travel does get invented in the near future, but we’re not actually sure how the whole thing works (it’s still pretty cool though). Anyway, if the time machine did worked this time, it should be around the time that you begin to discern whether the External Affairs Department (EXT) is right for you.

All Is Well with FIN
Ateneo Celadon’s Financial Affairs Department (FIN) has always been one of the most high performing departments of the organization, bringing in funds and shelling out budgets to make the org’s ideas for projects into a reality. Essentially, it is the backbone of Celadon that enables it to move towards the realization of its core competencies and advocacy despite not being directly related to them. Although the department seems rather intimidating and serious, FIN is actually a hub of ideas, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
5 Types of People Who Should Not Join HR
Warning: If the types of people here perfectly define you, then you should not join the Human Resources Department (HR). But if these types do not define you, by all means, join HR!
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