7 Things About Passion That Elements Staffers Discover

7 Things About Passion That Elements Staffers Discover

The department renamed itself to Documentations & Publications (DOCPUB), but there are two things that never changed: Elements Magazine and passion. Allow me to let you in on what Elements staffers discover when they chase their passion.

It can be a lone journey (or not)

Going to assignments—to write, take photos, layout articles, or code websites—can mean being a lone wolf at times.

It’s a great time to be more involved. DOCPUB is changing how the assignments work for Celadon projects this year. Writers and photographers can volunteer for projects and be deployed to cover events, draft press releases, and have their own shoots. Staffers can also volunteer to lead the team in documentation and publication operations for projects. Chasing one’s passion doesn’t always have to be a solo flight.

It can take you to places

Elements staffers have been everywhere. The streets of Binondo, Bahay Tsinoy, Shangri-La Plaza mall, Glorietta, Lucky Chinatown Mall—you name it. Are we gonna go out some more this school year? You bet! First thing in our agenda’s a food trip.

Chasing one’s passion means getting to get out of school, to apply what we know.

It lets you discover more, about a lot of things

Food. Movies. Perspectives. There is always something new to discover, whether it means going out, researching, or talking to experienced people. Chasing one’s passion is not a static affair. The mind should keep itself on its feet.

It connects you to people

Staffers meet people, whether it be Celadoneans, celebrities, and other well-known individuals. Perspectives and opinions are everywhere, and it is a matter of knowing how to put one’s self out there. Chasing one’s passion bridges connections, whether the cultural connections that Celadon stands for or the tangible connections that is people.

It gets you to face a gamble

Sometimes, being an Elements staffer means facing uncertainty. We sure did when we began in A.Y. 2014-2015, but look where we are now. What stays the same, however, is the challenge: burning the midnight oil, the heart racing from caffeine-induced pulses, the mind worried how everyone else will think of the work. Chasing one’s passion brings the person to face a gamble, a gamble worth a shot.

It gets you published

Elements staffers can end up getting published, whether in the web or in print. Up to date, there’s nothing like seeing yourself in a legitimate website or print magazine because you earned it. The road may be long, but chasing one’s passion can lead to that kind of tangible result.

It brings you back, into an altogether different place

Elements Magazine Icon- Red

At the end of the journey, you know it isn’t over. And you know that you’re altogether a different person from the beginning. Elements staffers set themselves out on a journey: They get to meet team mates. They reach old and new places. They learn various things. They connect with different people. They face the struggle every staffer does. They put themselves out there. And they find themselves different from the experience.

This is an experience worth taking. This is an experience that DOCPUB will keep on working to deliver. This is an experience we want to share with you: maybe for the first time, or maybe for another round.

From the Documentations & Publications Department of ’16-’17: Joshua Cheng & Robert Cuartero.

Written by Joshua Cheng.

Poster by Shannen Pua.

Deadline: June 19, 11:59 p.m.
Applications: http://bit.ly/ElementsStaffers1617
Interviews: http://tinyurl.com/ElementsInterview
Inquiries: Joshua Cheng (0917 855 6168), Robert Cuartero (0917 324 0385)

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