We had always imagined a time for goodbyes—a moment of meaningful words with those we love.
A year ago, all ten of you decided to commit yourselves to the Financial Affairs Department—to our department that isn’t usually on people’s top departments to apply for. We didn’t really have a lot to choose from then, but it was perfectly all right. During our Managers Deliberations, did you know that we only took five minutes on FIN to deliberate? No if’s, no but’s, not because we didn’t really have a choice, but because right from the start we were already that sure that the ten of you will take FIN to greater heights this year.

Bryan (Bob/Bobba), you were choosing between us or another department, and all we could do was convince you of the things you can do here—of the avenue for you to learn, grow, and further develop your business skills here. However, in the end, it was still your choice, so thank you for picking FIN. You’ve always been hardworking and committed in the things you signed up for even if you already have too much on your plate. You’d never just disappear on us. You were always there to deliver quality output and would be professional enough to ask help if you need one. Thank you for this year, Bob. As much as we’ve been your bosses as your FIN EB in Celadon, outside of Celadon, you were the one guiding us in our M.E. journey. No matter how busy you are, you’d always take time to answer our queries and help in any way you can, and that will always be one of your greatest qualities. You’ll really go far, Bob.

Thom, you were like a wild pokemon who appeared out of nowhere. You weren’t active in Celadon before. We didn’t know you at all. Getting you as our manager would have really been a leap of faith. But maybe you messaging us about the reason behind applying showed how committed you will be. But maybe you really asking questions about our projects showed how serious you will be. Or maybe simply you showing how genuine and kind of a man you are during your interview was all that made the difference. And just so you know, you were undoubtedly a great catch. We hope that in some way, you were able to find a new family in Celadon this year. Thanks for all the help and friendship this year, Thom. Your next journey awaits you!

Jan and Lish, you’ve always been a couple to us even if you say you aren’t, so we’re gonna address both of you as a pair now. Hehe. It took you some convincing, but thank you for squeezing in Celadon between all of your commitments this year. We may have decided to not push through with your original project, but what’s important is seeing how creative and responsible you guys are. Keep up the good work in everything that you do, and remember that we’ll always just be a message away whenever you need anything.

Jerome and Nicole, thank you for believing when we said there’s nothing to fear because we’ll guide you all throughout your journey. You’ve really brought Santa’s Attic: A Christmas Bazaar’s second year to a whole new level. We faced a lot of challenges and bumps along the road, but we still made it. You still proved to us and everyone that we made the right choice of putting our trust in you because we saw how hardworking and dedicated you both are. The bazaar was right after finals week, but we saw how much time you sacrificed, which could’ve been spent on studying for SMEG sem, just to make sure the success of your project. We couldn’t be more proud of the both of you. Seeing how happy and fulfilled you both were for the outcome of your project is more than enough reward for us as your FIN EB this year. And we can just hope that the both of you feel even just a tiny bit more family and fulfillment by being a FIN Manager of Celadon. Thank you for everything, Jerome and Nicole!

Nadine, well, we were your second choice during the manager apps, but it doesn’t really matter. We know we’re your first and best choice now. Right from the get go during the interviews, you already were a ball of sunshine. There was never a dull moment whenever you’re around. And let’s be honest, you were everywhere. In almost every major event in Celadon, we saw you present even though you were tiny. You were the log queen of the flagship projects of another department. You were part of the FIN represent during LDP. You were there to support your fellow FIN manager’s projects. And in the last event of Celadon this year, you were there with us, dressed up as the beautiful creatures that we are—despite being tired and stressed all the time—during Ball. To say that FIN has had the pleasure of working with you would not even suffice because you made possible what was arguably the best Rose Sale to date. You were our representative in almost all Celadon events. You won the Top 5 Most Active Managers Award. And know that we will forever be proud of you for that. The Tiny we know is indeed ready to conquer the world (or at least France). Have fun on your JTA! But remember that you will always have a home and family in FIN to come back to.

Raenelle, we took a leap of faith when we convinced you to take on the manager apps even though we knew you had responsibilities as an EB of another org. As the eager beaver and responsible person that you are, we were not surprised that you had planned and calendared much of everything for Rose Sale before the school even started. Despite having to juggle 21 projects for your other org, you never failed to give your best for Rose Sale. You always delivered outputs that exceeded our expectations. And when you were needed the most, you never left us hanging. We know the struggles both you and Nadine had to go through, but it was all worth it because you two made the best Rose Sale happen. We can only wish that your journey with us in FIN and Celadon has helped you to become a better leader and a more compassionate person. We always thought of you as a Type A who would put acads above everything without any hesitation, but we’re glad you proved us wrong. You’ve grown to become a leader who has a lot of passion for serving people. And the best part? You genuinely enjoy and feel fulfilled because of it. Never doubt yourself, Raenelle, because even in your worst days, you are better than most. And never forget that you’ll always have us by your side—supporting you all the way.

Sherra, you have been part of FIN just as long as we both have been. All 3 of us started out as FIN managers last year, and although we didn’t have the chance to talk to one another then, we’re glad that we finally had the opportunity to work and bond with you this time around. It was a no-brainer to choose you during our manager delibs because we knew you were the right person for the job—with your experience in FIN and knack for all things creative. To find people who stay in FIN is rare, and because of that, we thank you for your loyalty. Even the smallest gesture—like finally asking permission to drive by yourself just to get to UPTC in the early morning—really showed us how passionate you are for your project. You and Janelle started Ember with ideas outside of the box, and even though half of the time we were frustrated with delays and miscommunication, you two still managed to make the pioneer year of Ember a tough one to beat for next year. We hope that you have found your journey in FIN as enjoyable and purpose-filled as much as we did. Thank you for everything, Sherra! As you find your own way in the real world after graduation, never forget that we will always be here for you.

Janelle, from the very beginning, you were already the epitome of magis. We were impressed with your poster for Ember because right there during that interview, we already knew you had solid plans for the bazaar. More than that, you have also proven to us that distance is just a number. Even though you were a million miles away for a whole semester, you always delivered when it counted the most. Communication might have been hard for us, especially with different time zones apart, but we still made it work. Coming back home from JTA surely was difficult, especially since SMEG sem was awaiting. Despite having heavy school workload, you spent dozens of sleepless nights making sure every detail of Ember was perfect—from all the concessionaires right down to every single promo that we had. We all have experienced our fair share of ups and downs during Ember, but we can only hope that you see how much you have grown and improved as a person because of it. You are amazing, Janelle, not just because of your awesome technical skills in all things creative, but also because you have become a patient and strategic leader as well. The future ahead of you is undoubtedly bright, but for now, go be a SMEG!

We hope that we’d all never forget this year–a year filled all the bondings, memories, experiences, and challenges we faced together that made us the people that we are now. And with that, we’re signing off as your VP and AVP for Financial Affairs A.Y. 2015-2016 and saying hello to a new chapter of lifelong friendship with all of you.
Written by Aldwyn Tan & Irish Tolentino.