Monthly Column from the Editors
On behalf of the Documentation and Publications department of Ateneo Celadon, it is with great excitement that we introduce our newest initiative for the school year: Elements Online. Through this monthly newsletter, we aim to once again bring to life the events that have occurred in the past month through the ingenuity of our writers, lenses of our photographers, and creativity of our artists. It is our hope that the capturing of these priceless moments incite a feeling of gratitude and inspire an even greater number to participate in the future. With the school year still young, we want to excite everyone, for countless more opportunities are just around the corner. With that, we hope that everyone enjoys reliving through the events, and we wish all a happy and fun-filled rest of the month!
Patrick Ang and Aaron Medina
Writing Editors

Celadon Recruitment Week
Written by Patrick Ang
Last August 28-30, Ateneans were greeted by the different orgs as part of this year’s Recruitment Week. Initially a 4-day affair, the first day had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. However, things kicked right off once classes pushed through on the second day of RecWeek. Aspiring Celadoneans were welcomed to the Ateneo Celadon booth by a panda and siopao signs. Not only that, applicants were also entitled to be part of multiple games and raffles online and within the booth itself. The project capped off on the following week when interviews for all new Celadoneans were conducted.

General Assembly
Written by Aaron Medina
Last September 9 and 13, Ateneo Celadon formally welcomed its new members to their first major event of the school year: the General Assembly (GA). Themed “arcade games”, the participants gathered in groups of around 12, each headed by facilitators dressed creatively in costume. Remarks followed soon after. However, the bulk of the schedule revolved around the mobilization: each group visited the different stations, each representing a department of the organization. The unexpected earthquake and evacuation caused the GA on the 13th to be cut short and eventually cancelled; this, however, did not stop the organizers from planning a make up GA on the 20th, albeit with a different but equally suitable program flow.

DocPub Workshop 2019
Written by Regiena Siy
The Documentation and Publications department kicked off the organization’s very first workshop of the school year. Despite the earthquake that shook the Ateneo campus the previous night, the workshop was successfully held last September 14, 2019. Participants were divided into groups according to their desired tracks: photos/videos or writing. For the photos/videos division, a mix of activities were utilized by Jerry Feng and Josh Dy respectively to help participants hone their talents in photography and videography. The writing track, in the meantime, strayed away from a technical workshop and highlighted the power of words in the creation of a story. This, in turn, was facilitated by Michelle Paterno of the English department. The event then wrapped up with a short message from Janelle Liane Chan, a former DocPub Associate Vice President, who shared her experiences in the department.

CorRel Workshop
Written by Wyce Co
Potential is only realized when we work for it. That was what Celadon’s CorRel department wanted to highlight in this year’s CorRel Workshop, which was held last September 18 and 23. The event strived to push participants beyond their comfort zones and help them see just how capable they truly were. Day 1 of the event saw the participants journey through the possibilities in the department and discover their own potential in creating value for others. Day 2, on the other hand, brought participants closer to the realities of the corporate world and gave them the practical skills necessary for marketing the different projects of Celadon. By the end of the 2-day workshop, the participants were able to develop their abilities in providing value to companies, persuading others, and presenting their ideas.

Mid-Autumn Festival
Written by Ehry Chua
Dice have been rolled and games have been played, but the Mid-Autumn Festival (MAF) only kick-started the fun for this school year! From September 25 to 27, 2019, MAF filled SEC Field with booths and gimmicks that did not let anyone leave without a prize. Still, that was not all that was in store. On the night of the 27th, MAF Night was celebrated; dinner was served before everyone prepared and hyped up for a competitive dice game with people in and out of the organization. That night, many came home with prizes, some winning more than others. Truly, it was a night meant for the books.